Welcome to the Diocese of Lake Charles

By Pamela Seal
Diocese of Lake Charles

An invitation by Bishop Glen John Provost for Catholics in the Diocese of Lake Charles to renew their faith is being embraced by several pastors.

Through his Pastoral Letter: A Time of Renewed Faith, Bishop Provost is encouraging a deeper understanding of the Nicene Creed that Catholics recite during Mass. This reaffirmation of faith will continue through the Easter Octave and conclude with Divine Mercy Sunday in 2024.

“We call the Creed a Profession of Faith because it expresses the fundamentals of Christian belief,” the bishop said in his letter at the beginning of Advent. “The Creed cannot be simply a matter of words or a formula we recite.”

Some might ask the question, “Why is it important to carve time out of their schedules to grow in knowledge and understanding of their Profession of Faith?”

For Father Edward Richard, Pastor of Our Lady of Prompt Succor Catholic Church in Sulphur, the answer is simple.

“True Faith is joy! When we study the Creed, we learn doctrine, yes, but we also learn history,” he said.

“Our forebears labored to produce the language of the Creed so that we would know the One Triune God with clarity and certainty. They fought to protect this doctrine, and many of them died confessing this faith,” Father Richard noted.

“In God’s Providence, we have been given this opportunity to rekindle the Faith, to grow in knowledge and love of God, and to help others come to salvation,” he remarked, expressing his gratitude to Bishop Provost for this initiative.

Father Richard said his approach to helping his parishioners renew their faith is based upon the foundation that there is nothing more essential than the Creed.

“I will be using the book by Bishop Athanasius Schneider, Credo, along with the accompanying study guide in my Domestic Church group,” said Father Richard. “I have also recommended Credo for use in small groups and families, and I plan to offer special presentations in the parish both in-person and online.”

Father Richard mentioned that he will be using materials such as the Catechism and writings of the Church Fathers and others such as Pope Benedict XVI.

At St. Henry Catholic Church in Lake Charles, Father Matthew Cormier has planned an adult formation series beginning in January called, “What Do You Really Believe?” It will be offered in the St. Henry Community Center, 1021 Eighth Avenue, during January, February, and March.

The January and March sessions will be held on Tuesdays, January 16 and 23; and Tuesdays, March 5 and 12, all beginning at 6:15 p.m. The February sessions will be held on Saturdays, February 3 and 24, beginning at 10:30 a.m.

Sign-up is required as a light meal will be served. The deadline to RSVP is noon January 10. Call the church office at 337-436-7223 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Father Trey Ange, Pastor of Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Jennings, said it is important for all faithful to be “intentional in living the faith and not just showing up to Mass and saying words.”

“Understanding the words of the Creed means an understanding of why we do things as Catholics,” he remarked. “Christianity needs the best witnesses to the faith, and truly knowing what we believe is a crucial part of being this witness in the world.”

After his homilies during the weekend Masses, Father Ange is delving more deeply into the Creed and what each Article means by using the teachings from the Catechism and Scripture, as well as some practical examples and applications to life.

“In the following months (leading up to Divine Mercy Sunday), I will emphasize the Creed in the Mass, as well as give examples of how parishioners can make it a personal expression of faith,” he said.

Together with Father Shaji Jose, HGN, Father Rommel Tolentino, Pastor of Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church in Lake Charles is preaching and teaching about the Creed, one Article at a time during their homilies while they have a captive audience at Mass.

“Our hope is that the parishioners will have a greater understanding and appreciation of the words we are saying during the Creed, and that this will lead to a deeper relationship with God and greater appreciation of our Catholic faith,” said Father Tolentino.

“During the introductory homily about Bishop Provost’s initiative on learning more about the Creed, I told the parishioners that the more we know someone (especially someone’s goodness and greatness), the more we fall in love with that person,” Tolentino continued. “This is also true regarding our relationship with God.”

It is the hope of Bishop Provost for all pastors to assist parishioners — through their preaching and teaching — to understand better the articles of faith contained in the Creed.

Each parish is expected to cover the 12 articles of the Creed as found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church in their Sunday homilies.

“The articles of faith in the Creed come from God Himself through Jesus Christ and are passed on to you and to me by His Church,” Bishop Provost expressed in his Pastoral Letter. “Hopefully, with each obedient profession of faith, we grow in love for the God to whom we respond and for our fellow believers whom we serve.”

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