Give Online, Give Securely
The Diocese of Lake Charles relies on your support for many of its charities and operations. The security of your online giving is of paramount importance to us. Rest assured that our giving portal is safe and secure. Your generous donations make all the difference!
You may safely use your credit card or write an e-check to make a contribution in support of various ministries of the Diocese of Lake Charles. Your generous commitment to the Diocese of Lake Charles is most appreciated.
Click the appropriate link below:
- Hurricane Laura Relief
- Rachel's Vineyard/Grief to Grace Contributions
- The Bishop's Hurricanes Relief Tuition Fund
- Bishop's Services Appeal 2023-2024
- # I Support My Parish
- Donate to Catholic Charities of Southwest Louisiana
- Donate to Saint Charles Center
- Donate to Saint Charles Center Memorial Courtyard Campaign
- Donate to Office of Vocations
- Donate to Camp Karol Youth Retreat Center Project
- #I Give Catholic Advent Challenge
- #I Give Catholic Lenten Challenge
- Donate to Stella Maris Seafarers Center
- Seminarian Burse in Honor of Deacon Sam Bond’s Upcoming Ordination to the Priesthood
- Camp Karol Bestowal in Honor of Deacon Andrew DeRouen’s Upcoming Ordination to the Priesthood