In December of 2018, Bishop Glen John Provost issued a Decree for the Diocese of Lake Charles in which he encouraged that the faithful, both clergy and laity, join him in prayer and fasting asking the Lord to free the world of evils especially against the dignity of the human person. Among the practices that were urged was the observance of what are called Ember Days. (To see the original Decree, see: A Letter and Decree from Bishop Provost - Diocese of Lake Charles (
This year, Wednesday, March 12; Friday, March 14; and Saturday, March 15 are observed as Ember Days.
The Diocese of Lake Charles, through the Office of Liturgy, offers suggestions as to how to observe Ember Days.
• Consider attending Mass daily on Ember Days.
• Make an effort to pray more than usual offering a Rosary or a period of time before the Lord in the Tabernacle for the intention of healing for victims of abuse, the strengthening of Christian faith, and the reparation and repentance of sins by clergy.
• Every Friday, Catholics are urged to abstain from meat. Every Friday of Lent, Catholics are required to abstain from meat. Consider extending this to the Wednesday and Saturday of the Ember Days.
• Consider a small absence (omitting sugar from coffee, drinking water, etc.) as a way to observe the call to penance.