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Diocese of Lake Charles
LAKE CHARLES — On the same day as the historic ordinations of four men to the priesthood for the Diocese of Lake Charles, Michael Beverung will advance one step closer on his priestly journey when he is ordained a transitional deacon by Bishop Glen John Provost on Saturday, June 27, in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.
Due to the number of ordinands and limited capacity, attendance will be by invitation only. The Mass will be streamed live for viewing on and

Beverung, the 25-year-old son of Steven and Patsy (Gauthier) Beverung of Lake Charles, said this is an interesting time for our Church and the entire world.
“Now more than ever, it is evident that we need people to step up and give their lives for the people God,” he said. “During this pandemic, the hunger for the Eucharist has been made ever present to us. As my time in the seminary comes to a close, this hunger for the Eucharist that the people of God are experiencing gives me much hope for the future and my ministry.”
With one more year to go at Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans ahead of his anticipated ordination to the priesthood in 2021, Beverung said as he was developing a prayer life in high school, he knew that following the Lord’s will for his life would ultimately bring him the most joy.
“As I began to hear the Lord call me toward the life of priesthood, I knew that I had to conform my will to His,” said Beverung, the only brother to his older twin sisters.
Reflecting on the most encouraging moments during his time in the seminary thus far, Beverung thinks back to his various parish summer assignments.
“When I am in a parish setting, I am constantly reminded why the Lord has called me to this vocation in the first place,” he affirmed.
His advice to someone discerning priesthood is to be attentive to prayer, especially in silence. “This silence is where God speaks to us and reveals His will for our lives.”
A book that served Beverung well during his discernment process was An Introduction to the Devout Life by St. Francis de Sales. Another great resource, he said, was To Save a Thousand Souls by Father Brett Brannen, as well as Priests for the Third Millennium by Timothy Cardinal Dolan.
A parishioner of Our Lady Queen of Heaven Catholic Church, Beverung is a graduate of St. Louis Catholic High School and received his early education at OLQH School. He attended St. Joseph Seminary College and is currently a student at Notre Dame Seminary where he will continue his studies following his diaconate internship.
On Sunday, June 28, Beverung will assist as a newly ordained deacon at the Mass of Thanksgiving for Andrew DeRouen in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.