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Thousands of Facebook followers have been responding positively to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic response from the Diocese of Lake Charles. Since the March 16 announcement about the suspension of public Masses, many priests have turned to online Masses to minister to the faithful.

Bishop Glen John Provost began televising his private 9:30 a.m. Mass from the Cathedral on Sunday, March 22, the Fourth Sunday of Lent, and continues to do so while the "stay-at-home" order and social distancing is in place. The Mass is also streamed here from the Diocesan websiteon the Diocesan Facebook page: Roman Catholic Diocese of Lake Charles @lcdiocese; and on YouTube.

Bishop Provost is providing daily meditations called “A Thought from the Bishop’s Chapel” that can be viewed on the website and Facebook. 

Here are some responses: 

Bishop’s private Mass from Cathedral: 

  • I felt the spiritual union with the many others all over our diocese who were celebrating Mass in their hearts through Bishop Provost’s televised version. — Debbie Timpa
  • Thank you for letting us be a part of Holy Mass and receiving communion by desire. — Vicki Cooper Wolf
  • Thank you so much! Got weepy when I heard your voice. The video was clear and continuity excellent! What a blessing to celebrate together in solidarity! — Selene Landry
  • The Mass our dear Bishop televised today was absolutely perfect. It moved me to tears. I felt a profound peace come over my soul. Thank you, Bishop, and thanks to Father Buller. Extremely grateful! — Mary Frances McCloy Bordlee
  • Thanks for doing this. I contacted four families that do not have Facebook and told them about it on TV, and they watched also. Thank you for doing this. — Vickie Melanson
  • My family and I watched it on TV. I found hope in the homily that Bishop Provost shared with us. — Crystal G. Broussard
  • Thank y’all so much for your hard work and dedication to the diocese. — Kendall Fontenot
  • The Bruno crew watched it streaming from YouTube. It was such a great feeling knowing we could still attend Mass during these times. — Jared Bruno
  • Much thanks for helping with our spiritual needs in this difficult time — Vicki Crawford
  • It was wonderful. I hope it will be done every Sunday. — Dee Dee Savoy
  • I watched. Please continue. Very comforting broadcast. — Evelyn Kimball
  • We watched as a family and I was very appreciative to be able to watch! Thank you! It makes us feel connected. — Jana Miller Ashworth

"A Thought from the Bishop’s Chapel" daily reflections: 

  • Thank you, Bishop, for this wonderful message and for taking the time out from your hectic schedule. Very much appreciated! — Andrea Tatum
  • Thank you, Bishop, for this message. My heart and soul is blessed. Prayers for this virus and the world. We are all blessed to have a Diocese that cares for us. — Jerry Hargrave
  • Thank you for your gracious words and for shepherding us with an unwavering love. — Selene Landry
  • I’m so grateful to Bishop Provost, the priests, and those helping with all the Facebook video streaming, procession of the Blessed Sacrament, open churches and chapels. We are so blessed in our diocese. Thank you all again. Be safe and know we are praying for you as well. — Louise Stelly
  • Amen and thank you for your guidance in these troubled times. — Jill Broussard Breaux
  • Thank you, Bishop Provost for your reflections of wisdom and hope. We continue to pray for you and all our religious. — Deborah Faul
  • Many Facebook followers replied with an “Amen” and “Thank you.”

Bishop’s letter on suspension of public Masses: 

  • We understand how hard of a decision this must have been and trust you to lead us. Thank you for advice on how to keep the Lord’s Day Holy! We will pray for you, especially during this time, for continued discernment and peace with your decision. … Thank you for leading us; you’re doing a great job and we love you and pray for you. Love, the Kovach Family  —Haley LaBove Kovach
  • Praying for you Bishop, all priests and religious leaders throughout this ordeal. Just reading the message of how to spend our Sunday reminded me so much of my childhood. Thank you for your guidance. — Susan Beard
  • … Thank you for your vocation. We all do the best that we can. As Blessed Faustina relayed, God judges our intentions. That is enough. — Paulette Blanchet
  • We are obligated to respect our church leaders and government leaders in this time of crisis! Protecting their flock and country is a priority. Pray during this time for all. — Cindy Sutherlin
  • Your Excellency, I know this was a hard decision for you to make for us. This is a time we all need to huddle up and pray as hard as we can. Jesus, I trust in you! — John Soileau
  • We support you and love you, Bishop Provost. We all feel your pain and how hard this has to be. We will pray for all of our clergy! — Claudine Keller
  • May God bless you and be with you as you continue to guide the parishioners in this terrible pandemic — Charlotte Catroer
  • We all have to do this and ask God to give us the strength to get through it all. — Raquel King
  • This is so very sad, but understanding why it must be. Will continue praying for God’s healing and mercy on all and a quick return to our beautiful celebration of the Eucharst. — Cindy Welch
  • May we all keep one another in the Precious Heart of our beloved Savior and may his Spirit alive in our hearts guide us all, especially His Excellency Bishop Glen John Provost, our Holy Father Pope Franics, and the clergy at this critical juncture of the Church and its welfare and health.Clinton LeFort


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