From Civil Architecture to Higher Designs

Father Wayne LeBleu was not alway a priest. After receiving an Associates degree in Architectural Studies, he went to work for a Civil Engineering firm.

It was during this time that he was asked to serve as a volunteer Youth Minister for Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Creole, Louisiana. From there, his desire to minister grew. He entered St. Joseph Seminary and received a Bachelors Degree in Philosophy.


He spent four months in an extensive emersion program of Spanish in Cuernavaca, Mexico. This in turn set him afire with a love for the people of the foreign missions. On January 28, 1995 Wayne was ordained a deacon in the Catholic Church. And on June 3, 1995, Wayne became Father Wayne upon ordination to the Catholic priesthood.

Today, Father Wayne is the founding pastor of Christ The King Catholic Church in Lake Charles, Louisiana

In addition, Fr. Wayne is the Diocesan Director for Propagation of the Faith, Catholic Relief Services, Holy Childhood Association and Embaja does de Cristo' Mission Experience. In August 2009, Father LeBleu was named to head the Secretariat for the Ministry of Pastoral Services.

If you believe God may be calling you to a "second career" as a Catholic priest - or desire more information - why not contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Vocation Director? He would be pleased to give a confidential, no obligation, no hard sell, realistic response to your questions. If you like, Father Torres could also arrange for Father Wayne to talk with you. Then, you can ask Fr. Wayne directly about his road to the priesthood, his experiences in the foreign missions and his love for people. It is possible that questions in your heart about a "second career" are the same ones he has already worked through. No doubt, he'll also tell you to let God be your life's architect.