How does a rural kid from a farm in Southwest Louisiana choose between law or the priesthood?

"That's the kind of question that would perplex any kid", says Father Tim Goodly. Father Tim's story toward the Roman Catholic priesthood began when he was 14 years old. He thought he'd like to be either a priest or a lawyer. He attended a religious retreat looking for a clear cut decision; but there was no "voice" telling him what to do.

Throughout high school, the thought of becoming a priest did not go away. He entered Saint Joseph Seminary College. Throughout his college years, he kept asking the "What-if" questions: "What if I am not happy?, What if I fail?, What if..." until he ran out of excuses for avoiding the calling to priesthood.

In May, 1993, he was ordained a priest in the Diocese of Lake Charles. He has served as associate pastors in two parishes and was pastor of Immaculate Heart of Mary. He currently is in residence at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.

When not "working", Father Tim enjoys weightlifting, walking, going to the movies and traveling.

Even though he is approaching the fifth anniversary of his ordination, he recalls the questions that entered his mind. If you are questioning your own future and a possible vocation to the priesthood, why not let Fr. Tim talk (and walk) with you?

He would be pleased to give a confidential, no obligation, no hard sell, realistic response to your questions. If you like, Father Goodly could also arrange for other priests to talk with you as well. After all, they've also looked for the answers to their questions. Yours may be the same ones.

If you desire more information about the priesthood or religious life - why not contact Father This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Vocation Director?