From Air Force Medical Technician to Catholic priest...

Keith Pellerin thought his vocation was to serve people as a med tech in the service of the United States Air Force. He found that people were hurting in more than physical ways. He was soon recognized as the person who helped heal the emotional wounds of those in the military service.

People kept saying to Keith that he had the makings of a Catholic priest. Keith resisted believing he did not have the proper skills for that kind of work. However, after a time of hearing this from others and discovering he was skilled in assisting people in their "non temporal" needs and that there was a genuine need for these skills, he re-considered. He realized that the calling to a religious vocation, like that of a secular one, often comes from God through those around us. Sometimes, they help us recognize certain characteristics and skills — called "gifts" — from God that give us that certain direction in life.

Keith began his studies for the Roman Catholic priesthood and was ordained on May 30, 1998 by Bishop Jude Speyrer for the Diocese of Lake Charles. Father Pellerin is the founding pastor of St. Martin de Porres Church in south Lake Charles.

There is the lesson here that we, too, must be alert to the calling of God to a particular vocation in life...whether to the priesthood, diaconate, religious sisterhood or brotherhood, married or single life. If we see a person has the disposition and skills for a particular vocation, we need to voice those to that person. In the calling to the ordained or religious life, this is particularly critical as there is a need for those kinds of vocations.

And, like Father Keith Pellerin, that calling may even come later in life. Keith was in his mid-30's. Perhaps, we or someone we know may have that calling to a second vocation?

Father Aubrey Guilbeau, Vocation Director for the Diocese of Lake Charles, would be pleased to give a confidential, no obligation, no hard sell, realistic response to your questions. If you like, Father Guilbeau could also arrange for other priests to talk with you as well. After all, they've also looked for the answers to their questions. Yours may be the same ones.

If you desire more information about the priesthood or religious life - why not This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Vocation Director?