News and Press

Information and Announcements About The Diocese

His Excellency, the Most Reverend Glen John Provost announces that the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest will serve in the Diocese of Lake Charles beginning in January 2020.  Further, Bishop Provost announces that the Institute will reopen the historic Our Lady of Prompt Succor Church (the current City Court of Sulphur) under the Patronage of Saint Francis de Sales once the structure is restored and made suitable for the Divine Liturgy and Sacramental Celebrations.

Church Began in 1869 Under Patronage of St. Francis de Sales

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Diocese of Lake Charles

The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in downtown Lake Charles has been a symbol of resilience and faith over the past 150 years, rising above the destruction of hurricanes and ashes early on.

Among candidates for elected office, the choices for voters can be perplexing. A Catholic has a moral duty to vote and is obligated to vote according to the judgment of a well-formed conscience (commonly called an “informed conscience”), understood as true knowledge of good and evil applied to one’s concrete actions. Catholic voters are guided by these principles: