Welcome to the Diocese of Lake Charles

A statement from Bishop Glen John Provost:

The news of Saturday’s attack at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is shocking and distressing. What was intended to be a celebration of faith and new life devolved into terror and violence. We again denounce all forms of racial prejudice and violence. The menace of Anti-Semitism must be rooted out in all of its forms.

We stand in solidarity with our Jewish brothers and sisters as we commend to Our Heavenly Father the lives of the eleven people killed in the attack. We pray, too, for the first responders and all those who rendered aid. May God be with them and their families in their sorrow.

Bishop Provost released the following statement on October 17, 2018:

“The concern of the Diocese of Lake Charles has always been and continues to be the victims of sexual abuse. On the subject of issuing a list of priests credibly accused of sexual abuse of minors, this list requires three conditions. First, the privacy and identities of the victims must be protected so that even the possibility of additional harm and injury is eliminated. Second, the integrity and thoroughness of the process must be assured. Third, the Diocese must include expert collaborators in the process. Out of respect for the victims, the process will not be rushed.”

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