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NATCHEZ, MISSISSIPPI — The Very Reverend Edward Richard M.S., V.F., pastor of Our Lady of Prompt Succor Catholic Church in Sulphur, La., was invested with the Knight Commander Cross of the Order of the Fleur De Lis on Saturday, August 26, 2023. Additionally, Father Richard serves as Dean of the West Deanery for the Diocese of Lake Charles.

Very Rev. Edward Richard, MS, VF

The Order of the Fleur de Lis is an organization of Catholic men incorporated under the laws of the state of Louisiana as a not-for-profit organization.  The Order’s domain is a five-state region consisting of Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee.

The objectives of the Order include:  Supports and defends the Holy Catholic Church and its teachings; Promotes patriotism and good citizenship, encourages public morality and unselfish service to God and country; Assists and publicizes the activities of other organizations which also promote the above; Memorializes and popularizes the memories and achievements of Catholic leaders in religion, the arts and sciences, philanthropy education, exploration and archeology, government and international relations, medicine and jurisprudence and other established professions.

The Order of the Fleur de Lis encourages and recognizes leadership in living the values and principles of our Catholic faith by presenting the Msgr. Joseph Susi Award of Honor to an individual who has excelled as a Catholic leader in any one of the following: Religion, family values, youth, aging, politics, patriotism, the arts and sciences, education, philanthropy, public morality, management-labor, the media, or medicine and jurisprudence.

Other members of the Order from the Diocese of Lake Charles include: the Most Reverend Glen John Provost, Bishop of Lake Charles and Grand Prelate of the Order; Very Reverend Aubrey Guilbeau; Commanders Chester Jones Jr., I. J. Tarou, A. J. Langley, and John Halloran Jr.

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