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MOSS BLUFF — His Excellency, the Most Reverend Glen John Provost, Bishop of Lake Charles, was the celebrant and homilist for the 16th annual Clergy and Religious Recognition Celebration on Wednesday, September 14, at Camp Karol. The Mass took place on the Feast of Exaltation of the Holy Cross, followed by a luncheon for the honorees.
The event is coordinated by the Serra Club of Lake Charles and supported by the Knights of Columbus Assemblies and Councils; Knights of Peter Claver Assemblies, Chapters, and Courts; Catholic Daughters of the Americas Courts, Christian Mothers, parish Altar Societies, and East Deanery Serra Club. Other benefactors of time, talent, and/or treasures were Alexander and Bernadine Daboval, Craig and Jackie Guillory, and Christopher and Pamela Menou.
The Very Reverend Aubrey Guilbeau, V.E., Vicar for Clergy,
the Gospel during the 16th annual Clergy and
Religious Recognition
Mass at Camp Karol in Moss Bluff
on September 14. He was honored for serving 40 years
in the priesthood.
For a combined 570 years of service to the Catholic Church, this year’s honorees included a total of 14 priests, 2 deacons, and 2 religious sisters. The following were recognized for significant anniversaries:
• 55 years — Rev. Don Piraro; Sister Camille Martinez, S.E.C.; and Sister Jeannette Touchet, S.E.C.
• 45 years — Deacon Garrett Caraway and Deacon George Carr
• 40 years — Very Rev. Aubrey Guilbeau
• 35 years — Rev. Luke Krzanowski, M.S.; Rev. Monsignor Jace Eskind, Rev. Marian Susil Fernando, and Rev. Charles Okorougo
• 30 years — Rev. Carlos Garcia and Canon Jean-Marie Moreau, Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest
• 25 years — Rev. Alan Trouille and Rev. Brian King
• 20 years — Rev. Clyde Thomas
• 10 years — Rev. Stephen D.B. Thompson
• 5 years — Rev. Trey Ange and Rev. Paul Jussen
Reverend Charles Okorougo was honored for serving
35 years in the priesthood.
“It is good that we are celebrating these anniversaries today, because, in their own way, those who are celebrating their anniversaries have experienced their own crosses, just as all of us do,” said Bishop Provost during his homily.
“The cross must always be at the center of our faith. For this reason, it must be on our altars, in our homes, and on our bodies as we cross ourselves,” the bishop continued.
Catholics have been making the sign of the cross with their thumb on their foreheads as early as the second century.
“In this simple gesture, Christians have shown by outward devotion and practice that the cross upon which their Savior died is a sign of His victory in which they share,” His Excellency remarked.
Reverend Trey Ange, pastor of Immaculate Conception
Catholic Church in Jennings was honored his
5th anniversary to the priesthood.
“If Christ saves us by obedience to death on a cross, then the cross must be ours as well,” he said.
Following the Mass, Rev. Michael Caraway, Serra Club chaplain, gave the invocation and blessing of the meal at the luncheon. The welcome and acknowledgments were given by Col. John Halloran, past Serra Club president, and closing remarks and benediction were given by Bishop Provost.
Music during the Liturgy of the Mass was provided by the St. Louis High School Choir under the direction of Colette Bulber Tanner.
PHOTOGRAPHY CREDIT: Morris LeBleu / Diocese of Lake Charles. View more photos on the Roman Catholic Diocese of Lake Charles Facebook page.

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