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LAKE CHARLES – The second session of the 2022-2023 series of Bishop Glen John Provost’s Men’s Prayer Breakfasts and Women’s Prayer Luncheons continues in October — Friday, October 7, for the men; and Wednesday, October 5, for the women. The series is based on the Book of Exodus.

Breakfasts are held in Ave Maria Hall of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception following the Bishop’s 6:30 a.m. celebration of Mass in the Cathedral. The luncheons begin at 11:30 a.m. in the Ave Maria Hall with the Bishop’s teachings starting at noon. Books are available for purchase.

Remaining dates in 2022 for the Men’s Prayer Breakfasts are October 7, November 4, and December 2. In 2023, the Bishop’s teachings are set for February 3, March 3, April 21, and May 5. 
The Women’s Prayer Luncheons, catered by Treasures of Marilyn’s, will continue October 5 and November 2 for the remainder of 2022. Dates in 2023 are February 1, March 1, April 19, and May 3. Reservations should be made prior to each luncheon by sending a check in the amount of $14.00, payable to the Diocese of Lake Charles, to Cassie Meaux, 411 Iris Street, Lake Charles, LA 70601. 

For more information, call 337-439-7400, Ext. 200. The Ave Maria Hall is located at 935 Bilbo Street.

The Book of Exodus topics for both luncheons and breakfasts are as follows for the remaining sessions:
• Moses and Aaron Confront Pharaoh; The Ten Plagues — Chapters 5:1-11:10 (Oct. 5, 7)
• The Institution of the Passover and Deliverance from Egypt — Chapters 12:1-15:27 (Nov. 2, 4)
• The Journey to Sinai — Chapter 16:1-18:27 (Dec. 2, Feb. 1, Feb. 3)
• The Covenant at Sinai and Blueprints for the Tabernacle — Chapters 19:1-31:18 (March 1, 3)
• The Sinai Covenant Broken and Renewed — Chapter 32:1-34:35 (April 19, 21)
• The Building of the Tabernacle; the Lord Dwells in the Tabernacle — Chapters 35:1-40:38 (May 3, 5)

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