Welcome to the Diocese of Lake Charles

March 18, 2021 

My dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, 

Almost two weeks have passed since my quarantine ended. As those who have endured this illness know, recovery can be slow. I am pleased to report that my convalescence is progressing. The doctors and I are in touch regularly, and I am gradually resuming a normal schedule. 

I wish first to thank Almighty God for His care and Grace. We owe everything to Him, and His solicitude has manifested itself to me throughout this ordeal. I am blessed, as every bishop is, to have a chapel in my residence where the consolation of the Blessed Sacrament is a constant source of strength. 

I am thankful to you, as well, for your prayers and concern. All through this illness, your letters, phone calls, spiritual bouquets, and prayerful sacrifices on my behalf have assured me of your care and support, as well as our unity in Christ. May God be gracious to you for this kindness. 

Finally, my thoughts and prayers remain with those who struggle to overcome this virus. May God keep you from all harm and bring healing to the sick. 

With gratitude and assurances of remembrance at my Masses for your intentions, I remain 

Sincerely yours in our Lord, 






+ Glen John Provost
Bishop of Lake Charles

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