Welcome to the Diocese of Lake Charles

Deadline to apply for scholarships is April 15

LAKE CHARLES (March 12, 2021) — Up to 400 students will have an opportunity to earn scholarships to attend Catholic schools this Fall within the Diocese of Lake Charles, thanks to the generosity of a patron giving a $1.8 million donation. The family, who wishes to remain anonymous, made the generous gift through ACE Scholarships, which provides children of low-income families access to quality education through its scholarship program. 

“This incredible gift to our community comes at a time when Southwest Louisiana families are most profoundly in need, and this patron’s investment in their future is evidence of deep faith in the educational excellence of our diocesan schools,” said Bishop Glen John Provost. “Because of this generosity, families unable to afford Catholic school will find the assistance they need to make the best choice for their children. We urge families considering our Catholic schools to seek us out and seize this blessed opportunity.” 

Students in grades K-8 receive up to $4,200 and students entering grades 9-12 receive up to $4,500 toward tuition. Families interested in applying for tuition assistance through ACE Scholarships must apply for enrollment at their school of choice and apply separately for a scholarship through ACE at https://www.acescholarships.org/become-a-scholar/louisiana/

The deadline to apply for a scholarship for the 2021-22 academic school year is April 15, 2021. 

“The gift of a quality education is a precious thing,” said ACE Scholarships President Arthur Dupré, “and this private donor’s desire to help Lake Charles and all the surrounding communities in Southwest Louisiana by investing in educational opportunity – particularly via the Diocese – will directly transform so many children’s lives. This donation is a testament to Bishop Provost’s leadership in ensuring academic excellence, and we at ACE Scholarships are proud to partner with the Diocese to open new doors for these families and these children. We look forward to helping enrich these young minds through a solid education and empowering them with access to the schools of their dreams.”

To qualify for an ACE Scholarship, the following criteria must be met:

  1. Your child must be a resident of Louisiana.
  2. Your family income is less than the amount listed in the chart (See link above).
  3. One of the following statements must be true:
    1. Your child attended a Louisiana public school during the 2020-2021 school year.
    2. Your child participated in the Louisiana Scholarship Program/Tuition Donation Credit Program during the 2020-21 school year.
    3. Your child will be attending kindergarten for the first time during the 2021-22 school year. 

For more information, please contact the Office of Catholic Schools (337-376-0603, ext. 400).

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