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A training video for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion in the parishes of the Diocese of Lake Charles can now be accessed on the website of the Diocese of Lake Charles under “Special Videos” in the Resources Menu above or by purchasing a two-DVD set through the Office of Communications of the Diocese – 337-439-7400 - or by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The cost for the set is $25.00.

The Very Reverend Ruben Buller, Director of the Office of Liturgy, is featured in the training video.

Once the video has been viewed, the pastor or parochial vicar of the parish that has been designated by Bishop Glen John Provost, will commission the newly trained and renewed Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for a three-year period, valid only between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2019.

The training is mandatory for all those not in Holy Orders or Instituted Acolytes who assist at Mass, in institutions (hospitals or prisons) or to the homebound with the distribution of Holy Communion.

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