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Every Catholic, to enter more deeply into the life of Christ, is to participate in some way in the spiritual and penitential disciplines of Lent.  The regulations for the Catholic Church in the United States are as follows:  Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fast and abstinence.  The other Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence from meat.

The obligation to abstain from meat binds Catholics 14 years of age and older.   The obligation to fast, limiting oneself to one full meal and two lighter meals during the day, binds Catholics from the age of 18 to 59.  Those younger or older are encouraged to voluntarily embrace these disciplines in so far as they are able.   

Divine and Natural Law holds that all the faithful are morally bound to do penance.  The Fourth Precept of the Church obliges Catholics to observe the penance of fasting and abstinence for Lent.  

Fridays outside of Lent are also days of penance and spiritual discipline.  Abstaining from meat is the traditional way of observing these days of penance.   The Bishops of the United States have granted permission for abstinence from meat on Fridays outside of Lent to be replaced with some other self-denial or personal penance.   However, Friday remains a day of some penitential practice.   As Bishop Provost stated in a recent pastoral letter:  “The idea of sacrificing something is countercultural to the ‘throwaway’ mentality that plagues us today and of which Pope Francis has time and again warned us” (September 3, 2015).   

Fasting and abstinence should never endanger one’s health.   Avoiding some form of permissible entertainment or performing sacrificial acts of charity, for example, could replace the fasting and abstinence when health is a consideration.

Finally, with any penitential discipline, both the letter and the spirit are to be maintained.  For example, replacing meat with a gourmet seafood meal is not in keeping with penitential practice.  Also, the increasingly popular practice of hosting “crawfish boils” and entertainments on Good Friday is highly inappropriate.   Good Friday remains an extraordinary and solemn day on which we recall the suffering and death of Our Lord Jesus Christ.   Good Friday should remain a day of fasting, abstinence, prayer, penance, and interior and exterior quiet.              

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