Welcome to the Diocese of Lake Charles

The Abrazando Cristo Mission Program would like to thank all those who purchased a rafftle ticket as well as entered in the Johnnie Thibodeaux Memorial Golf Tournament, according to Monsignor Daniel Torres.

All 500 tickets were sold and the golf tournament was a tremendous success.  Ticket sales brought a profit of $43,500 and the golf tournament brought a donation to the mission of $35,000.  A grand total of $78,500 for the 2015 mission trip to Nicaragua to buy food, medicines, construction materials for the ongoing construction of the rectory at Saint John the Baptist Catholic Church, 200 Catholic Bibles, 20 college scholarships for adults to become Catechists of the faith as well as assistance for the Saint John Paul II Center in Granada, and offering a Vacation Bible School for the children.

First place raffle winner of $5,000 was #0139 JO; second place winner of $1,000 was #0374 PM; and third place winner of $500 was #0352 CDE.

Monsignor Torres said, "To all who helped, may God bless you a hundredfold!  Please pray for the success and safety of the mission July 6-19."

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