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LAKE CHARLES – The bishops of the United States have been requested by the Holy See to provide a broad consultation of the clergy and faithful for the upcoming XIV Ordinary Synod of Bishops, next October in Rome, with the theme, “The Vocation and Mission of the Family in the Church and Contemporary World.”

Bishop Glen John Provost has asked Rickard Newman, director of the Office of Family Life to coordinate the consultation process in the Diocese of Lake Charles.  The announcement of the process for this consultation in the Diocese of Lake Charles will be made through the Office of Family Life. 
   The principal document to be used in the consultation is the Relatio Synodi or the Lineamenta that came out of last year’s III Extraordinary Synod of Bishops held in Rome.  The results of the consultation will serve as the basis for the Instrumentum Laboris for the October 4-25, 2015 Synod.

An open forum will be held in the Assembly Room of the Chancery of the Diocese at 5:30 pm. on Tuesday, Feb. 24.

A thoughtful reading and reflection of the document, which can be found in English on the Vatican website at http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/synod/documents/rc_synod_doc_20110202_lineamenta-xiii-assembly_en.html, is necessary in order to provide well thought-out responses on serious challenges to family life and to marriage.

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