News and Press

Information and Announcements About The Diocese

BALTIMORE, MD -- Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is preparing to assist its local partners in Ecuador in response to a 7.8 magnitude earthquake that struck the country’s coastal region Saturday. At least 233 people were killed – a number that is expected to rise as first responders are reaching affected areas - hundreds more have been injured and there are reports of widespread damage to buildings, roads and other infrastructure. To help provide funding for CRS, click here to donate.

As stewards of a nearly $6.8 million operating budget, the Diocese of Lake Charles is just able to fund its ongoing missions and obligations. However, given that revenue the diocese receives is already earmarked each year, it is difficult for the diocese to invest in needed strategic priorities without an extraordinary effort.

VATICAN CITY -- At a press conference, April 8, in the Holy See Press Office, the post-synodal apostolic exhortation "Amoris Laetitia: the joy of love", was released to the world. Here in the Diocese of Lake Charles, Bishop Glen John Provost, commented "Amoris Laetitia or The Joy of Love, the long-awaited apostolic exhortation on the family issued by Pope Francis, offers all of us much food for thought and reflection.  It reaffirms family life and encourages us to approach the difficulties of the marital vocation with patience, kindness, and understanding. In a world where we find very few, if any, institutions or authorities, except the Church, speaking up for marriage and family life, families and all people of good will should find the Pope’s words supportive and encouraging.”