Welcome to the Diocese of Lake Charles

By Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley, O.F.M. Cap.
One of the deepest desires of the human heart is to discover our identity. So often, as a society and as individuals, we identify ourselves by what we do. We base our worth on how productive we are at work or at home, and we determine our lives to be more or less good depending on the degree of independence or pleasure. We may even begin to believe that if our lives, or those of others, don’t “measure up” to a certain standard, they are somehow less valuable or less worth living.

On September 1, 2015, His Holiness, Pope Francis announced that all priests during the upcoming Year of Mercy will have the faculty to forgive the sin of abortion. The Diocese of Lake Charles wants to assure the faithful that all priests serving in the Diocese of Lake Charles have had for many years the faculty to forgive the sin of abortion and to lift the canonical penalty if incurred. It is common practice in the United States for Ordinaries to grant this faculty.

LAKE CHARLES -- The hours of operation of the Office of Catholic Schools will change to better serve the faithful, parishes, and Catholic schools of the Diocese of Lake Charles, effective Monday, August 24, according the Very Reverend Ruben J. Buller, Moderator of the Curia. The new office hours will be 8 a.m. through 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

In what may be a unique circumstance as regards men studying for the priesthood, five of the 16 seminarians of the Diocese of Lake Charles are related – three are grandchildren of Sam and Barbara Ange and there are two other cousins. The interesting story was recently highlighted by John Bridges on KPLC-TV’s Hometown Hero. The segment can be viewed by clicking here.

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