Welcome to the Diocese of Lake Charles

At the Diocesan Finance Council meeting held on June 21, 2022, Bishop Provost approved the creation of a policy for maternity and paternity leave for the Diocese of Lake Charles and associated entities, including the parishes and Catholic Schools. The Bishop appointed the Director of Fiscal Affairs, Mr. Jacob Troutman, and the Vicar General for Administration, Father Ruben Buller, to oversee the creation of the particulars of the policy, which is envisioned to take effect in July 2023.

The Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Lake Charles also provide resources for students with special needs. Partnering with the St. Nicholas Center for Autism and other agencies, our Catholic Schools serve students with autism. Our Catholic schools participate in the Louisiana Department of Education’s “School Choice Program for Certain Students with Exceptionalities,” which provides tuition assistance to families of students with special needs who desire private education. All our Catholic schools enroll students with special needs. Two have progression programs, a service dedicated to students with special needs; Immaculate Conception Cathedral School and St. Louis Catholic High School both provide individual classroom instruction and tailored resources.

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Diocesan Policies & Guidelines 2023

Together For Life

DOLC Financial Statements