Welcome to the Diocese of Lake Charles

An online giving platform is available to support the pro-life healing ministries of Rachel’s Vineyard and Grief to Grace in the Diocese of Lake Charles.

Rachel’s Vineyard offers healing from the pain of abortion, while Grief to Grace, provides healing from the wounds of sexual, emotional and physical abuse.

Proceeds from the Clergy Cook-off in 2018 and 2019 helped provide financial assistance for both ministries, however, the pandemic and last year’s hurricane damage prevented the fundraiser from being held in 2020 and 2021.

Donations to these ministries will help those who are unable to pay for the retreat, while also helping to cover the ongoing cost of putting on the retreats. Your generosity is the helping hand of Christ removing obstacles to His healing mercy.

To make a donation, click here. Learn more about these pro-life healing ministries at www.GrieftoGrace.org or www.rachelsvineyard.org

New Chancery Live Stream Hurricane Fund
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Diocese of Lake Charles Vocations
Grief to Grace
Rachel's Vineyard

Diocesan Policies & Guidelines 2023

Together For Life

DOLC Financial Statements