Welcome to the Diocese of Lake Charles

His Excellency, the Most Reverend Glen John Provost, Bishop of the Diocese of Lake Charles makes the following ministerial assignments for the Diocese of Lake Charles:

Effective July 1, 2021:

The Reverend Deacon Brian Soileau is appointed The Secretary for the Ministry of Christian Formation and remains the Director of the Saint Charles Center and Camp Karol and the Assistant to the Vicar for Clergy.

Mr. Rickard Newman remains the Director of Office of Child and Youth Protection.

Sister Mary Benedicta Maier, RSM, Mr. Blaine Wyninger, and Ms. Denise Wyninger are appointed as co-directors for the Offices of Marriage, Family Life, and Pro-Life Ministries.

Effective immediately:

Mr. Ricardo Ruvalcaba is appointed Spanish Pastoral Assistant at Saint Henry Parish with pastoral services to the Diocese as liaison to the Hispanic Community. 

Given this day, May 21, 2021, by our hand and witnessed by the undersigned. 





His Excellency
+The Most Reverend Glen John Provost      
Bishop of Lake Charles 



The Reverend Deacon George Stearns
Chancellor of the Diocese of Lake Charles

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