Welcome to the Diocese of Lake Charles

February 25, 2021

Always conscious of a prevailing sense of gratitude to Almighty God, I wish to thank all of you who have offered your prayers for my recovery from COVID and reached out with generous assistance. 

Excellent doctors and medical professionals have extended expert care to me and continue to do so.  According to my doctors, there is improvement, but we must be vigilant.  Along with the many others who have endured this illness, I share in your sufferings and offer them up for the good of the Church in the Diocese of Lake Charles.  Suffering is always an invitation to God’s love and has meaning when joined to the sufferings of our Lord Himself. 

Please know that your needs and difficulties are close to my heart in prayer.  May the gracious Mother of God intercede for us all to her Son, Jesus Christ, who heals us from all our ills and remains our only Savior.                         

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