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Diocese of Lake Charles

LAKE CHARLES — The Diocese of Lafayette has responded to Hurricane Laura recovery efforts in the Diocese of Lake Charles with a donation of $155,000. The presentation was made by the Most Reverend J. Douglas Deshotel, Bishop of the Diocese of Lafayette, on Monday, October 5, at St. Henry Catholic Church Community Center.

The Most Reverend Glen John Provost, Bishop, accepted the check on behalf of the Diocese of Lake Charles. The funds were generated during a special collection taken throughout the Lafayette diocese the weekend of September 12-13, as well as through online giving through the Diocesan website. Bishop Deshotel said more funds are on the way.

Bishop Glen John Provost, left, accepts a donation for
$155,000 from Bishop J. Douglas Deshotel of the Diocese
of Lafayette for Hurricane Laura Relief efforts. The funds
were collected during a special collection in the Lafayette
diocese to assist in the aftermath of Hurricane Laura, the
Category 4 storm that devastated the Diocese of
Lake Charles on August 27.

Joining Bishop Deshotel were Kim Boudreaux, CEO of Catholic Charities of Acadiana; and Margaret H. Trahan, Director of the Office of Stewardship and Development for the Diocese of Lafayette.

In his remarks ahead of the check presentation, Bishop Deshotel said he was happy to be in Lake Charles to share the support and concern of the Diocese of Lafayette for all those who have suffered so much devastation.

“I want you to know your neighbors to the East have been keeping you in their hearts and in their prayers, and have also expressed to me their concern asking in what ways they can help,” he said.

“We see in certain circumstances that God allows what seems to us terrible tragedies, to bring about virtue and goodness and charity among others to help those who are so afflicted,” Bishop Deshotel continued. “The good is always greater than the suffering that has been endured. This is certainly the case in our desire to help all of you in the Diocese of Lake Charles.”

In accepting the generous donation, Bishop Provost expressed his appreciation to Bishop Deshotel and all the good people of Lafayette.

“The outpouring of concern has been extraordinary,” said Bishop Provost. “We have had people from all over the country helping volunteer, but it is especially heartwarming to see the response of those who are our neighbors to us. I know there have been many people from different organizations and parishes in the Diocese of Lafayette who have come to assist, in particularly, Catholic Charities of Acadiana.”

The donation will benefit Catholic Charities of Southwest Louisiana as well as aid in rebuilding efforts for Catholic churches, schools, community centers, and food pantries throughout the Diocese of Lake Charles.

Before concluding with the “Prayer for Recovery of the Diocese of Lake Charles” and praying a “Hail Mary” for the Diocese of Lafayette, Bishop Provost recognized several of those present who are leading recovery efforts: Sister Miriam MacLean, R.S.M., Director of Catholic Charities of Southwest Louisiana; the Very Rev. Ruben J. Buller, Vicar General and Chief of Recovery; the Rev. Monsignor Daniel Torres, Vicar General and Chair of the Deans Council set up to monitor the spiritual needs of the diocese; the Very Rev. Matthew Cormier, V.F., Dean of the Central Deanery and pastor of St. Henry Catholic Church; and the Rev. Joseph Caraway, parochial vicar of St. Henry.

St. Henry Community Center has been one of several distribution sites for Catholic Charities of Southwest Louisiana to drop off supplies six days a week since Hurricane Laura made landfall on August 27. Father Cormier estimates that close to 2,000 people have been served through these efforts at the St. Henry site alone. Catholic Charities of Acadiana has also been coordinating relief efforts with Sister Miriam to assist with disaster response.

Following the check presentation, Bishop Provost joined Sister Miriam who led a tour at Catholic Charities for Bishop Deshotel, Trahan and Boudreaux.

From left: Sister Miriam MacLean, R.S.M., Director of Catholic Charities of Southwest Louisiana; the Very Rev. Ruben J. Buller, Vicar General and Chief of Recovery; Kim Boudreaux, CEO of Catholic Charities of Acadiana; Margaret H. Trahan, Director of the Office of Stewardship and Development for the Diocese of Lafayette; Bishop J. Douglas Deshotel, Diocese of Lafayette; Bishop Glen John Provost, Diocese of Lake Charles; the Rev. Monsignor Daniel A. Torres, Vicar General and Chair of the Deans Council; the Very Rev. Matthew Cormier, V.F., pastor of St. Henry Catholic Church and Dean of the Central Deanery; and the Rev. Joseph Caraway, parochial vicar of St. Henry Catholic Church.

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