Welcome to the Diocese of Lake Charles

Religious Sisters of Mercy serving in the Diocese of Lake Charles are, from left, Sister Miriam MacLean, Sister Mary Thoma Houseal, Sister Marirose Rudek, Sister Mary Benedicta Maier, and Sister Mary Hanah Doak.


The Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan, celebrated the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Mercy, patroness and protectress of their religious order, with a Mass at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 24, in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. The Most Reverend Glen John Provost, D.D., M.A., Bishop of Lake Charles and celebrant of the Mass, was joined by several priests in the Diocese on this special occasion.


 “Religious Life affords more lively, solid and lasting happiness
than all the variety the world could give.”
Mother Catherine McAuley


Mary is the Mother of Christ who cooperated with the Lord’s will at every moment of her life. She is the Mother of Mercy because she is the Mother of Jesus Christ, Mercy Incarnate. Standing by her Son at the foot of the Cross, she was given as mother to every disciple. She continues to invite each Sister of Mercy to the foot of the Cross of her Son. Holding the Sister into this mystery, Mary assists her to be an instrument of Mercy.

Several priests from the Diocese of Lake Charles were in attendance
at a special Mass for the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, Michigan,
held in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.

Sisters of Mercy serving in the Diocese of Lake Charles are Sister Miriam MacLean, Sister Marirose Rudek, Sister Mary Thoma Houseal, Sister Mary Hanah Doak, and Sister Mary Benedicta Maier.

Each Sister wears a Mercy Cross around her neck to remind her that she is to be the convergence point of the misery of mankind and the mercy of God. There is no corpus on the Mercy Cross, because the Sister wearing it is to be the corpus. The black of the Cross symbolizes the misery of mankind, sin, darkness, and suffering. The white of the Cross symbolizes the mercy of God, His light, purity, unfading brilliance and His descent into our misery.

The Religious Sisters of Mercy are located in the United States, Europe, and Australia. Their Motherhouse is in Alma, Michigan. For more information, visit https://www.rsmofalma.org

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