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The Most Reverend Glen John Provost, Bishop of Lake Charles, has announced the receipt of a sizeable legacy, perhaps the largest contribution ever made to the Diocese of Lake Charles, from the estate of Elizabeth Singletary Richard and her late husband, Leslie R., both longtime residents of Cameron Parish.

  Leslie R. and Elizabeth S. Richard

Mr. Richard was one of a number of far-sighted businessmen that formed Cameron State Bank in 1966. He served as its first president when it opened and later became chairman of the board, a position he held until his death in 1997.

The Richards were generous philanthropists over their lifetime, and after Elizabeth’s death in 2019, this largesse continued with a vast majority of their estate, more than $20 million, given to both national and local charities including religious organizations.

The couple resided in Cameron Parish for many years and were parishioners of Our Lady Star of the Sea Church. Leslie served, for a short time, as a deputy sheriff then became chief deputy tax assessor until he was elected tax assessor. He was also involved in cattle ranching and farming and a partner in the Cameron Insurance Agency providing local services to the residents of Cameron Parish.

Following his retirement, the couple moved to Lake Charles where they were parishioners of Our Lady Queen of Heaven Church along with being staunch supporters of Villa Maria Retirement Center and other charitable causes.

Bishop Provost stated, “It is very encouraging to see our benefactors remembering the Church in their planned giving. We are all most grateful for these gifts that help sustain the work of our ministry and apostolates. Mr. and Mrs. Richard, along with all donors to the Diocese, are remembered in our Masses and prayers.”


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