Welcome to the Diocese of Lake Charles

While many things have remained uncertain throughout the weeks of social distancing and COVID-19, Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church and the Cowboy Catholics student ministry at McNeese State University remains dedicated to their mission to form lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ.

Cowboy Catholics adapted to the challenging times with the use of technology to keep their students engaged during this time of social isolation. This allowed the mission of the organization to spread beyond its typical boundaries — the college campus.  

“The church doors may be closed, but our mission is still moving forward,” said Allie Livingston, development director of Cowboy Catholics. “The virus cannot infect the mission of the Church.”

A total of 16 weekly bible studies led by FOCUS missionaries and student leaders continued to meet online throughout the semester. Participating in bible studies has allowed students to stay in contact and further develop relationships with each other and the Lord.

To meet the needs of key student leaders, the ReachMore student evangelization team received daily content to aid them in spiritual growth. Weekly meetings moved online to hold each other accountable and discuss advancing the Gospel on the McNeese campus.

Campus Minister Randall Edwards sees the importance of continued formation with students because “college ministry is about forming their whole lives” and giving them the tools to be successful in every part of their lives, even after their time at McNeese State.

The Rev. Nathan Long, Randall Edwards, FOCUS missionaries, student leaders and other staff members are also meeting with students via phone call and video call to offer support, prayer and continued one-on-one discipleship. 

“Cowboy Catholic’s continued activity reminds me that Christ is in control of this situation,” said Wendy Maggio, Cowboy Catholic junior. “He will bring great good out of it, no matter how dark it may seem at the moment.”

As the spring semester comes to a close and the summer semester approaches, Cowboy Catholics is still taking steps to encounter students, build them in their faith and send them to live out their Baptismal call.   

Because of the faithful support of the Catholic community, alumni, and parents, Cowboy Catholics is able to reach more students for Christ. For more information about supporting Catholic campus ministry at McNeese State University visit cowboycatholics.com/support/ or contact Allie Livingston at 337-477-1434.

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