Welcome to the Diocese of Lake Charles

Brother Lucius (Jacob) Rigmaiden, 27, a native of the Diocese of Lake Charles, has received his habit and started his novitiate with the Dominican Province of St. Joseph.

    Br. Lucius Rigmaiden

The Novitiate of the Dominican Province of St. Joseph is located at St. Gertrude Priory in Cincinnati, Ohio. On the Feast Day of Saint Dominic, August 8, Br. Lucius was clothed in the full habit of Holy Father Dominic and began his canonical year of novitiate. During this intense year of prayer and discernment, he will be instructed in elements of religious life by the Novice Master and will learn how to live as a Dominican friar among brothers.

Brother Lucius is a graduate of St. Benedict Catholic Home School and McNeese State University. Following his graduation, he spent two years as a FOCUS missionary before entering formation with the Dominicans.

Please keep Br. Lucius in your prayers!

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