Welcome to the Diocese of Lake Charles

LAKE CHARLES -- Rachel’s Vineyard of Southwest Louisiana, sponsored by the Office of Pro-Life of the Diocese of Lake Charles, will host two retreats this year, the first  Friday through Sunday, February 9-11 and the second July 6-8, at Tabor Retreat House of Saint Charles Center.

The retreat is for anyone – men or women - suffering from the trauma and after-effects of abortion. These can include: eating disorders, difficulty with relationships, repeat abortions, substance abuse, depression, suicidal urges, anxiety/panic attacks, nightmares, emotional numbness, guilt, anger and fear of punishment from God.

A Rachel's Vineyard Retreat provides an opportunity to deeply enter the grieving process and identify all the ways an abortion may have affected you. Rachel's Vineyard offers a number of powerful exercises that allow the wounded soul to speak its grief and sorrow. The exercises help to connect participants to their inner voice, to each other, and to the love and compassion of God.

The retreat can also help participants accept forgiveness for themselves and others. There is also an opportunity to re-connect with the children that were aborted on a spiritual level, to give them honor and dignity through special and creative spiritual exercises as well as in a memorial service. 

If you or someone you love is hurting from an abortion, reach out to Rachel’s Vineyard of Southwest Louisiana at 337-439-7400, Ext. 317 or by at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to register or for more information.

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