Welcome to the Diocese of Lake Charles

What was left of Harvey’s eye passed over Carlyss very early this morning.   Father Luke reported minimal damage.   As a matter of fact, there was a morning Mass at St. Theresa’s!    The deans and many pastors continue to keep us informed of developments.

The work of Catholic Charities is addressing the needs of local shelters and some in Texas.   Sister Mary Vianney reports the following:
Today [Tuesday] was a very active day … at Catholic Charities.

The parking lot was filled with trucks delivering bedding, cleaning supplies, clothes, etc. for the people needing assistance.  …  [W]e  received a call from men trying to bring perishable food to Houston.  The food was being transferred [from a national company with outlets both in Houston and Lake Charles].  We also had volunteers helping to organize what we received [and do what we could to] make it all available to the new shelter opening at the Civic Center today.   We were told they were expecting 1,000 people to come to the shelter by this evening!   We have seen people from Texas coming in needing food and hygiene items and we are hearing more stories about local flooding.  I do not have any numbers though.   The shelters last night were filled with such a mixture of vulnerable people… an elderly woman… dressed like she was going to church… clenching her few belongings… she had no family.   Then there were the mentally ill… and the stories could go on. 

Sister continues that some volunteers are spending the night at Catholic Charities to monitor developments.   The national office of Catholic Charities is releasing funding in the form of disaster grants.   

The Diocesan Offices (Chancery) and all Catholic Schools will reopen Thursday, August 31.   

Various churches on the coast have reported some water incursion but so far no flooding.   Some of our schools have also suffered leaks, problems with roofing, and problems with rising water.  

There has been quite a bit of flooding in low-lying areas, and our present concern is assisting with the shelters and local organizations offering relief.  

We remain concerned about the waterways and possible extensive flooding once the terrain begins to drain.  We are also continuing our prayers, especially at all Masses, for the victims and emergency responders.    

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