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MOSS BLUFF – Eighteen men attended the recent Diocese of Lake Charles Quo Vadis Days Retreat held at Saint Charles Center and sponsored through the Office of Vocation.

“The three-day retreat helps young men discern the will of God in their life,” Father Jeffrey Starkovich, director of vocations and seminarians said. “The group of young men from across the diocese attending this year, joined a number of priests and the seminarians to learn about seminary and the priesthood. Each day, there were conferences that explored a different aspect of priestly formation.

“Prayer, too, plays a central role,” Father Starkovich continued. “Everyone gathered to pray the liturgy of the hours, a daily rosary, a holy hour before the Blessed Sacrament, and daily Mass. In between the conferences and prayer times, there were also opportunities for recreation and fraternity.“

Eighteen men seeking to discern God's will in their lives attended the recent Quo Vadis Days Retreat at Saint Charles Center. Bishop Provost celebrated the closing Mass of the retreat.

Bishop Glen John Provost celebrated the retreat's closing Mass held in the Chapel of the Assumption of Tabor Retreat House.
“Everyone is called to holiness, and that vocation to holiness is lived out in the particular vocations of marriage, priesthood, or religious life,” Father Starkovich said. “Throughout the retreat, the men are taught the best practices for discernment and are equipped to hear the voice of God calling them to pursue their vocation.”
Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at 337-436-7223 or Fr. Nathan Long at 337-477-1434 for information on future Quo Vadis Days, offered free of charge by the Diocese of Lake Charles. Interested Catholic men, freshmen in high school to 25 years old, can also check the website of the Office of Vocations at  www.lcvocations.com for future dates. 

Fearing persecution from the Roman emperor, an ancient tradition says that St. Peter decided to flee for his life. After leaving the walls of Rome, he encountered Jesus carrying his Cross in the direction of the city. St. Peter asked Jesus, "Quo Vadis, Domine?" (Where are you going, Lord?) Jesus answered, "I am going to Rome to be crucified again." With that, St. Peter turned around and followed Jesus as he led him to Rome where he continued his apostolic ministry and faced his martyrdom with courage.

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