Welcome to the Diocese of Lake Charles

LAKE CHARLES -- Bishop Glen John Provost visited Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church in Lake Arthur Thursday morning and offered prayers of thanksigiving with Father Jay Alexius, pastor, and some 40 people in the church. Father Alexius had sent out word that the Bishop would be there to offer prayers.

Following prayers, Father Alexius held a gathering in the rectory for the parish leadership where additional stories were told, according to the Bishop.

"Some of them had taken water into though homes, though most had been spared by advanced planning of levees and sandbags," the Bishop said. "They shared their experiences with me. One of the main areas that needed attention and is often overlooked were the cemeteries."

In many flooding situations tombs often are taken from the ground by the water and float away. "Catholic Charities, through Sr. Mary Vianney Walsh, is offereing assistance aolong with local funeral homes," Bishop Provost continued. "The people really appreciate this."

The Bishop returned down Highway 14 visiting Hayes and then Welsh in the late morning and early afternoon to view recovery efforts first hand.

"In Welsh, people mentoned having received 'gift cards' from Catholic Charities, which allowed them to purchase items that they needed," he said. "In one case, a lady said that those needs were food and school supplies for her children."

Catholic Charities of Southwest Louisiana, 1225 Second Street, will gladly accept contributions of money as well as food and cleanup supplies. Click here for a list of needed items or call 337-439-7436.


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