Welcome to the Diocese of Lake Charles

(Special from the Office of Religious Education)
LAKE CHARLES -- On Saturday, December 5, over 100 middle school students from around the Diocese of Lake Charles participated in the Inaugural Diocese of Lake Charles Quiz Bowl at Saint Louis Catholic High School.

The day began with an opening prayer and word of welcome from The Most Reverend Glen John Provost, Bishop of the Diocese of Lake Charles, who wanted to begin this event in order to bring students into a deeper knowledge and love of their faith. Weeks prior to the event, one young lady from the winning team remarked that she was grateful to have had the opportunity to study and participate in Quiz Bowl, whether she won or lost. Certainly, we hope all the participants feel the same way, as they gained the knowledge from more than 200 questions, which they were given to study.
As the day progressed and teams were eliminated, students from around the Diocese had the opportunity to get to know each other in different games and icebreakers.  At the end of the day, the game came down to Our Lady Help of Christians Parish and Saint Martin de Porres Parish. The final round was held before the full audience, with Our Lady Help of Christians coming in first place. The winning team received $1,600 ($400 per student) and the second place team received $800 ($200 per student). Both teams graciously accepted their awards and went back to their parishes to celebrate!
As the teams discussed what they wanted to do with the money, the team from Our Lady Help of Christians remembered a woman they met at morning Mass that day who said she knew a teenage mother who was in need of a crib and mattress. One of the girls noted that would be a worthy use of their prize money. However, when they got back to Our Lady Help of Christians, the crib and mattress had already been donated because people knew that the winning team was thinking about spending their money on that project. This team certainly learned that our faith is something to be known and lived.
We look forward to an even more lively competition on Saturday, December 10, 2016. The questions are already available at: https://quizlet.com/_1nngfj with the password: dolc. You too can check out the questions to see and learn what our young people are learning. You will be impressed! If you have questions about next year’s Quiz Bowl or would like to make a donation contact Sister Miriam MacLean, RSM by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at 337-439-7400, Ext. 305.






The Inaugural Quiz Bowl was a great success, according to Sr. Miriam MacLean, RSM, Director of Religious Education. The team from Our Lady Help of Christians in Jennings captured first place. Pictured with Sr. Miriam in the photo at left, are, from left to right, Rachel Wild, Kate Watkins, Emma Granger, and Mary Caraway. In the right photo, the runners-up from St. Martin de Porres Catholic Church in Lake Charles are, from left, Aiden Manuel, Amelia Sarver, Sr. Miriam, Derek David, and Jessie Cormier.

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