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LAKE CHARLES – Two seminarians of the Diocese of Lake Charles – John Souder and Michael Caraway – studying at the Pontifical North American College (PNAC) in Rome will be Val J. Peter Scholars this fall, according to information provided to Bishop Glen John Provost by Msgr. James Checchio, Rector of the College.

Souder (at left), who will enter Third Year Theology at the PNAC this fall, continues the benefit of being a Val J. Peter Scholar. This is the third year of Souder’s reception of the scholarship.

Caraway(at right), who previously attended Mount St. Mary’s University in Emmitsburg, Md., will enter the PNAC as a First Year Theology student in September.
The Val J. Peter Scholarship awards 25 percent of the annual cost of formation (tuition, room and board) at the Pontifical North American College for the duration of the four-year formation program of the seminarian, according to Bishop Provost.
“This is a most generous gift, and the Diocese and I are very grateful,” Bishop Provost said. “This is a savings to the Diocese in a four year period of over $60,000 for the education of both our seminarians.

“The award of these scholarships highlights the generosity of not only the Pontifical North American College but also the Val J. Peter scholarship program,” Bishop Provost continued. “Second, it endorses what I hear repeatedly from the rectors of the seminaries to which we send students, that they are exceptional young men well qualified for preparation for the holy priesthood. Finally, it is unusual, if not without precedent, for two seminarians from the same diocese to receive this scholarship.”

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