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LAKE CHARLES – The devastation from the 7.8 maginitude earthquake that struck Nepal last Saturday, May 25, has been great. Nearly 5,000 people lost their lives with many villages and communities in the mountainous country destroyed.

Bishop Glen John Provost has requested that the faithful of the Diocese of Lake Charles show their generosity to their brothers and sisters affected so terribly by the quake, including the injured and homeless, many of whom lost loved ones in the disaster.

The Bishop sent a bulletin announcement included in a Wednesday afternoon correspondence to the parishes asking for its inclusion in the weekend bulletins providing information about Catholic Relief Services and its efforts in this particular natural disaster. Bishop Provost also asked the pastors to consider, if possible, taking up a second collection to aid in support of the work of Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in providing on-site aid in Nepal.
Gifts will also be accepted at the Chancery of the Diocese, P.O. Box 3223, Lake Charles, LA 70602-3223. Checks should be made payable to the Diocese of Lake Charles. Contributions should indicate the gift is for Nepal Earthquake Relief. All monies will be remitted to Catholic Relief Services for their efforts.
Bishop Provost also told the Pastors that the Bishops of the United States have already communicated their pledge of support and prayers to the Vicariate Apostolic of Nepal.
The Bishop asked the pastors to add an intention to their public and liturgical prayers for the safety of the people of Nepal, the recovery efforts, and the victims of the earthquake.

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