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LAKE CHARLES – The Most Reverend Glen John Provost, M.A., D.D., Bishop of Lake Charles, has announced the bestowal of Papal honors to nine members of the laity of the Diocese of Lake Charles by the Holy See. The Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Carlos Maria Viganò, notified the Bishop on Monday, March 30.

“The Papal Nuncio has informed me that the Holy See has granted my request for these Papal honors to be granted to individuals in the Diocese of Lake Charles who have selflessly given of themselves in service to their neighbor and the Church,” Bishop Provost said. “We congratulate them and offer them our prayers and blessing.”
Grady Conner, John Robichaux, and Dr. Jon Yokubaitis, all parishioners of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, were named Knights of the Pontifical Order of Saint Gregory the Great.

Mrs. Kathy Conner, Mrs. Mandy Robichaux, and Mrs. Alyson Yokubaitis, all Cathedral parishioners, were named Dames of the Pontifical Order of Saint Gregory the Great.
Awarded the Papal Cross Pro Ecclesiae et Pontifice were Mrs. Pamela Seal, a parishioner of the Cathedral, and Ms. Cheryl Riley, a parishioner of Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church, Lake Charles. Mrs. Marjorie Long, a parishioner of St. Raphael Catholic Church in Iowa, was honored with the Papal Medal Benemerenti.

Bishop Provost will bestow the Papal Honors at the 9:30 a.m. Mass Sunday, April 19, in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.   
The Order of Saint Gregory the Great was instituted by Pope Gregory XVI in 1831, as a reward for subjects of the Papal States. In 1905, it was reorganized by Pope Pius X as a worldwide Order, available to those laity that have contributed in an outstanding way to the welfare of the Church and community, and who have displayed indisputable zeal in service to the Holy See. The Order of Saint Gregory the Great is divided into the ranks of Grand Cross, Commander, with star and without, and Knight or Dame. The class of Knight or Dame is the most frequently bestowed on the diocesan level for service done in the local community and for the Church, and a demonstration of fidelity to the Holy Father and the Holy Catholic Church.
The Papal Cross Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice (for the Church and Pope) is a decoration authorized by the Holy See for men and women who have contributed noteworthy services to the Church. In the Diocese of Lake Charles, the Cross is given for service done publicly for the good of the Church and the honor of the Holy Father .

The Papal Medal Benemerenti (good merit) is a decoration authorized by the Holy See for men and women who have contributed outstanding services to the Church. In the Diocese of Lake Charles, the medal is given for service in the community because of the individual’s Christian convictions.

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