Bishop Provost’s Statement for the 2021 Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade

The anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, which created the constitutional right of abortion in this country, will be observed quite differently this year due to the COVID pandemic which is ravaging societies throughout the world.   In years past, I either joined a very large group from Lake Charles for the National March for Life in Washington, D.C., or participated in local observances in Lake Charles which were always well attended.   In Washington I recall crowds which exceeded 500,000 marching from the Capital Mall to the U.S. Supreme Court, a public demonstration for respect of human life that was woefully and embarrassingly underreported by most of the national media.   This year, due to forces beyond our control, we are being told to content ourselves with virtual events.   However, this is not the whole story.

Many of our Catholic Church Parishes are promoting all-day vigils, some before the Blessed Sacrament exposed.   On the anniversary day itself, while taking mandated health precautions, I will join others for an outdoor 5:30 evening prayer service at the Old Court House.    Many Catholics will attend Mass and perform works of penance and charity.   Some other Catholic Church Parishes are planning other observances.  I commend these initiatives and encourage your participation.

Abortion is the killing of innocent human life.   It is a violation of the Fifth Commandment of the Decalogue.   To call it health care or a right is deception and leads to abortion’s use for more nefarious purposes on a larger scale.

Friday morning, I will celebrate a special Mass provided for Catholics in the United States, entitled a Mass “For Giving Thanks to God for the Gift of Human Life.”    Please join me in spirit, as I join each of you in whatever way you observe January 22.   God love you all!