March 18, 2020
Memorial of Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

My dear people of God,
You are in my daily prayers.  I remembered you this morning as I approached the Altar of God.  I know because of your messages to me that, although you understand these drastic measures, you still hunger for the Most Blessed Sacrament.  I look forward to returning to our churches again for Mass.  Let us not take for granted the gift of the sacraments, especially the Eucharist.

Today, I am writing you because although we might not have public access to Mass, God’s graces are abundant!  Among these graces are Indulgences.  The Church teaches us that “indulgences are the remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven” (Compendium of the Catholic Church, 312).  Many actions allow us to participate in these moments of God’s grace.  Among these acts are the devout reading of Sacred Scripture for at least thirty minutes; the devout participation in the Stations of Cross (at a church or even at home with our family); and the devout recitation of the Rosary.  These three acts, along with many others, allow us to receive a plenary (or full) indulgence for our sins, the sins of a deceased loved one, or even a particular soul in purgatory, who will then become our spiritual friend and intercessor in heaven.

In order to receive the plenary (full) indulgence, the faithful must complete three acts within seven days before or after the act.  First, they must receive Holy Communion.  Second, they must make a Sacramental Confession.  Third, they must pray for our Holy Father, the Pope, and his intentions by at least reciting an “Our Father” and a “Hail Mary.”  By means of the attached Decree, I hereby dispense the faithful of the Diocese of Lake Charles from the obligation of receiving Holy Communion in order to obtain a plenary (full) indulgence.  This dispensation is in effect as long as the suspension of public Masses is in place in the Diocese of Lake Charles. 

With prayers for you and your families and asking the intercession of Our Lady Star of the Sea, I remain,

Devotedly yours in Our Lord,





+Glen John Provost
Bishop of Lake Charles

Enclosure:  Decree