News and Press

Information and Announcements About The Diocese

On the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in favor of same-sex marriage
The ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court is irreconcilable with the natural law and with Divine Revelation.   This decision completely ignores the accumulated wisdom of centuries of inherited human experience regarding marriage.    All of this heritage the Catholic Church has maintained, promoted, and sustained for the benefit of civilization and the continuation of the human race.   This the U. S. Supreme Court has ignored and discarded.       

Some may view this decision as logically proceeding from some sort of enlightened development of contemporary consciousness.  This way of thinking is misguided and incongruous with the will of God.  The judgment of the U.S. Supreme Court will have detrimental consequences for our civilization and thus to the family and in the future to the free exercise of religion in this country.